2017 Side-Walk-A-Thon Success
2017 Side-Walk-A-Thon Success
Who could have imagined that children would establish one of the most significant fund raising efforts for the Village? Since the very first Sidewalk-A-Thon in 2012, Village children and event sponsors have contributed almost $200,000 for additional sidewalks! The importance cannot be overemphasized. These funds have been critical to The Village of Spring Hill, Inc.’s efforts to provide the engineering costs and the 20% matching funds required for TAP grants the City of Mobile has been awarded on our behalf. Sidewalk-A-Thon proceeds have helped make possible sidewalks along Old Shell Road and those now in progress along South McGregor Avenue. Sidewalks were the #1 request of residents at our first community meeting in 2006, and walkers of all ages can now be found all along the routes from daylight to dusk.
TVSH Board of Directors has been very involved in the annual Sidewalk-A-Thons since the beginning. Former board member Susan Carley gave outstanding leadership to the first event in 2012. Other current or former board members who have chaired the event are Bonnie Fuchs, Bradley Sanders, and Buff Teague. Board member Sherry Pierce is now in her third year of serving as chair of the event.
The 6th Annual Sidewalk-A-Thon raised a record $44,500, thanks to the children who participated and the generous sponsors of the event. TVSH wishes to gratefully acknowledge the major corporate sponsors of the 2017 Sidewalk-A-Thon.